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That's right, you can view Project: Denny's in the way that suits you the best. We aim to please.

NOTE: The first three indices have the exact same entries, just in different formats and orders. The fourth is completely different.

Chronological Index
Perfect for the repeat customer. The best way to keep up on the latest updates. Entries are listed in chronological order per trip, but the trips themselves are listed in reverse chronological order, so the freshest entries are always right near the top.

*Alphabetical Index
Searching for the Denny's in your home town? Well, just stop on here and check the handy table of contents for the Denny's nearest you. You might just see a picture of someone you recognize.

*Numerical Index
Perhaps you're attempting to figure out the secret behind the Denny's store numbering system. This index is perfect for you. No table of contents, no titles of trips or states, just straight-up hard-core numerical listing.

*Viewer Index
While attempting to visit all of the Denny's in the world before I die may be a noble quest, it's hardly realistic. Find out what Denny's have been visited by viewers of this page. Well, of the ones who told me about them, anyway.

[These        pages conceived, written, and maintained by Jason Alan Pfaff.]

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